We Can! Energize Our Families: A Family Guide

We Can! Energize Our Families - A Family Guide

This workbook contains all of the handouts and activity sheets that are used during the four sessions of the We Can! parent program. The handouts are designed to reinforce the parent program core concept of energy balance, or the long-term balance between energy in (calories from food) and energy out (calories burned through activity). The handouts also can be used at home to help parents and caregivers with planning meals, creating healthy grocery lists, saving money while eating healthily, and tracking their family's physical activity and screen time. Community planners may wish to order copies to provide to program participants. All of the handouts included in this family guide are available in the appendix of the We Can! Energize Our Families: Parent Program: A Leader's Guide curriculum. 

Publication Date:
General Public & Patients
Population Group:
Children & Youth

Web-only Publications

This item is only available online for download and self-printing.