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Could next-generation gene editing mean a cure for cystic fibrosis (CF)? There's been a lot of advancement on the disease in the last decade, but there are still those living with the disease who get no relief from current treatments - especially those for whom health disparities already exist. Paul McCray, M.D., professor of pediatrics, and...
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NHLBI in the Press
Incorporating updated criteria, such as kidney function and removing race, into a 10-year cardiovascular disease risk prediction tool could change medication eligibility for 15 million Americans, according to new research.
NHLBI in the Press
A study with more than 45,000 middle-aged women found that participants who incorporated more light and moderate activities throughout their day had a greater likelihood for living disease free 20 years later.
NHLBI in the Press
Nearly one in 10 people who get COVID while pregnant will go on to develop long COVID, a new study supported by the NIH Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery (RECOVER) Initiative finds.
NHLBI in the Press
Children and teenagers who go to sleep earlier and sleep longer may be at a lower risk of developing high blood pressure, according to new NHLBI-funded research published in Pediatrics.
NHLBI in the Press
Xylitol, a sugar alcohol used in many low-carb and low-sugar food products, was linked to early signs of blood clotting in mechanistic studies and associated with an increased likelihood of future cardiovascular events in observational research.
NHLBI in the Press
Adults who received supplemental oxygen through face masks attached to ventilators, or noninvasive ventilation, were less likely to experience significant reductions in blood oxygen levels after intubation compared to those who received supplemental oxygen through face masks.
NHLBI in the Press
People who eat a healthy, planet-first diet may lower their risk of premature death by up to 30%, according to a new NHLBI-funded study.
NHLBI in the Press
A Women’s Health Initiative study explores underlying cardiovascular health indicators that may help explain reduced associated risks for death among women who follow a Mediterranean-style diet.
NHLBI in the Press
An observational study found that women ages 62 and older who engaged in the most physical activity, measured by moderate-to-vigorous exercise or by logging daily steps, experienced similar associated benefits with offsetting risks for heart disease and living longer.
NHLBI in the Press
A race-neutral Global Lung Function Initiative reference range is projected to recategorize the number of Americans with lung conditions eligible for advanced medical treatment, certain workplace conditions, and military disability.