We Can!® Programming Materials
The tools and resources on this page are intended to help anyone interested in running We Can!® to explain, promote, and conduct the We Can! program.
We Can! Energize Our Community: Toolkit for Action (5.7 MB)
This toolkit gives community planners a one-stop shop of planning tools, reproducible materials, and a free copy of We Can! Energize Our Families: Curriculum for Parents and Caregivers. It incorporates dynamic activities for parents to encourage a healthy weight in their family.
Go, Slow, and Whoa! Flashcards (2.4 MB)
Use these We Can! flashcards with parents, caregivers, and children to help them think in terms of GO, SLOW, and WHOA when making food choices. Download the PDF to show as slides, print, or hand out.
We Can! Partnership Overview Document (164 KB)
Factsheet that outlines the role of We Can! partners, partner categories, and partner requirements.
We Can! Partner Presentation (1.3 MB)
This PowerPoint presentation provides background information for community sites to use to introduce potential partners and stakeholders to the We Can! program
We Can! Progress Report: Curriculum Implementations by the Intensive Sites (4.5 MB)
This report summarizes an initial assessment of the National Institute of Health's We Can! program as it was implemented in fourteen Intensive Community Sites around the country.
We Can! 2010 Strategy Development Workshop Report (1.6 MB)
We Can! strategy workshops bring together experts in the field, program partners, and We Can! community sites-to discuss everything from the development of the program to the program's strengths, challenges, and necessary adjustments or modifications. Our strategy workshop report details topics discussed at the meeting, and provides key recommendations for the program's future.
Healthy Weight Community Outreach Initiative: 2004 Strategy Development Workshop Report (2.6 MB)
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Obesity Education Initiative (OEI) convened a 2-day meeting to help develop a national public education outreach initiative to help reduce and prevent overweight and obesity in the United States. This Strategy Development Workshop, held on February 17-18, 2004, convened more that 70 public health leaders, nutritionists and dieticians, food industry experts, health communicators, youth marketing experts, park and recreation officials, and others from professional societies and constituency groups. The Workshop proceedings illuminated the complexity of the factors leading to weight gain; the many environmental and societal influences on the eating and physical activity habits of various population groups; and the community-based strategies that might encourage healthier habits.
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