New Community of Practice Portal Makes It Easier than Ever to Connect with Other We Can!® Stakeholders
Posted June 14‚ 2010
The We Can! Community of Practice (COP) Portal provides a forum for community sites, partners, and other health professionals to exchange knowledge with one another about leveraging community outreach, partnership development, and media activities to enhance We Can! programming. With interactive features like discussion groups and networking opportunities, you can share your ideas about ways to improve food choices, increase physical activity, and reduce screen time among youth.
In addition, the COP is a part of a larger online community called the NHLBI Knowledge Network (KN). When you become a member of the We Can! COP, you will also become a member of the KN, which provides you with access to other health promotion program resources and discussion forums.
Features include:
- Forum Section: The Forum section includes a variety of topics for members to engage in, as well as the option for them to introduce new topics. For example, participate in discussions about: Working With At-Risk Populations; Who Can Help Me Implement We Can!?; and Engaging Parents in We Can! Activities: Ideas and Tips. You can also start your own forum discussion.
- Events Section: This section includes detailed information about relevant events that will take place on a city, regional, state, or national level.
- Links Section: This section includes links to other Web pages and resources with content and information that is relevant to what the COP members are discussing.
To sign up, follow these five easy steps:
1. Go to and register with the Knowledge Network by clicking on the "New user?" link. You will find the link in the User Login box on the left–hand side of the page.
2. When you register, you will be asked to enter your first name, last name, and an e–mail address. You will also create a password.
3. After you register with the KN, please navigate to the We Can! Community of Practice. You will find a link to the We Can! community on the right–hand side of the page under "Public Communities."
4. When you enter the community, click on "Join Community." You will find the Join feature on the left–hand side of the page.
5. After you join the We Can! COP, please click the "Your Profile" tab and update your profile with an optional bio and other information.
So, join the We Can! COP today. We look forward to learning from you and to sharing your experiences with others in the community.