ODS Health Plan Joins the We Can!® Movement
Posted November 12, 2009
ODS Health Plan, Inc., (ODS)—provider of medical and dental insurance to more than one million Oregoneans—has signed on to the We Can! movement!
As part of its own efforts to educate members about the benefits of healthy weight management, ODS will be reaching out to their members with We Can! resources. They will be providing access to We Can! materials; distributing fliers, tips, handbooks, and posters; and beginning collaborations with We Can! community sites throughout Oregon.
But that's not all! In the spring of 2010, ODS anticipates building on their regional efforts to support We Can! community sites by sponsoring a We Can! regional training, similar to those being planned by other sites.
Contact us at nhlbiinfo@nhlbi.nih.gov if you are interested in working with ODS or would like to register for or learn more about their upcoming We Can! regional training.