Arizona School District Helps Parents Fall Back into the School Routine with We Can!® Programming
Posted November 21, 2011
Back to school wasn't just for students in the Alhambra School District this fall. Recently, the Alhambra School Board approved the use of the We Can! Parent Program at all 15 elementary schools within the school district. Each school hosted an orientation to promote and introduce the We Can! Parent Program to community members.
Now, each school is implementing the program, facilitated by school principals, teachers, parent coordinators, or community resource coordinators, in a variety of ways that cater to each community.
One school, James W. Rice Primary, is holding large-scale Zumba® exercise classes for both parents and children, while Carol G. Peck Elementary School is showing parents games they can play at home to encourage their children to stay active. Another school, R.E. Simpson, is using the We Can! Parent Program to educate parents on ways to adopt a healthier lifestyle while their children are doing a fun activity. Additionally, Barcelona Middle School had more than 155 parents and children attend the orientation and prepare fruit kebabs as an example of how to make fun, healthy snacks.
Alhambra School District realized the importance of gathering feedback from participants and improving the program, so at the end of each event the participants completed evaluation forms on ways to enhance the program in the future.
This month, the School District is holding the third annual Parents as Partners Conference and Community Expo. The District's staff and students are collaborating with several local organizations such as the American Lung Association, blood banks, and local health-focused vendors to put on a one-day event focusing on ways to live a healthier life. Instructional sessions taught by school teachers in the District will cover topics such as how to read food labels and measure healthy portion sizes. Activity sessions featuring ways to turn screen time into activity opportunities through games like the Nintendo Wii will also be included.
"We are anticipating about 5,000 people and nearly 75 vendors at our event this year," said Anita White, Executive Director of Administrative Services at Alhambra Elementary School. "We are excited for members of our communities to get a chance to learn more about the We Can! core messages while spending a fun day with their families."