Events on Heart and Vascular Diseases

illustration of a heart
November 16 - 18 , 2019
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is participating in the American Heart A...
November 12 - 16 , 2016
New Orleans, LA
The NHLBI participated in the 2016 American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions from November 12 – 16, 2016 in New Orleans, Louis...
Bethesda, MD
This May 2016 working group meeting was convened to identify research barriers and outline possible solutions to prevent sudden cardiac d...
Bethesda, MD
In September 2014, a working group heard presentations on scientific evidence that sex is a major determinant for the development and pro...
Bethesda, MD
The NHLBI convened this November 2014 workshop to discuss the results of recent research on the effects of inorganic nitrate and nitrite ...
Bethesda, Maryland
The NHLBI convened a workshop in June 2013 to advise the Institute on research needed to advance the CVD surveillance systems in the Unit...