Bethesda, MD
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) convened a Working Group meeting on May 20, 2016 in Bethesda, MD to identify research barriers and outline possible solutions to prevent sudden cardiac death (SCD) in the general population with the establishment of short and long-term goals. The Working Group consisted of experts in pediatric and adult cardiology, emergency care medicine, cardiac electrophysiology, neurology, and pathology as well as in epidemiology, biostatistics, and the establishment and use of cardiac arrest registries.
The workshop was responsive to NHLBI Strategic Plan Goals 1 & 2 and the Division of Cardiovascular Diseases Strategic Plan Goal 2.3.a.
Staff Contact
Debra Egan, MSc, MPH
Division of Cardiovascular Sciences
Working Group Members
- Christine Albert, MD, MPH, Harvard University
- Robert A. Berg, MD; University of Pennsylvania
- Mercedes Carnethon, PhD; Northwestern University
- Sumeet Chugh, MD; University of California, Los Angeles
- Rajat Deo, MD, MTR; University of Pennsylvania
- Sam P. Gulino, MD; City of Philadelphia Department of Public Health
- Jeffrey Olgin, MD; University of California at San Francisco
- Nona Sotoodehnia, MD; University of Washington
- Zian H. Tseng, MD, MAS; University of California at San Francisco
NHLBI Planning Staff
- Kristin M. Burns, MD
- Debra Egan, MSc, MPH
- Yi-Ping Fu, PhD
- Jonathan R. Kaltman, MD
- David A. Lathrop, PhD
- Albert Lee, PhD
- Paul D. Sorlie, PhD
- Gina S. Wei, MD, MPH
- Walter J. Koroshetz, MD