Inspirational Quote Cards
Encourage others to make heart health a regular part of their self-care routine.
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Sample Social Media Posts
Share these sample posts to promote self-care messages in February for American Heart Month and throughout the year.
Use #OurHearts in your posts and tag @TheHeartTruth_NHLBI on Instagram, @TheHeartTruth on X, and @HeartTruth on Facebook.
Self-care is not selfish. When we take care of #OurHearts as part of our self-care routines, we reduce our risk of heart disease and set an example for those around us to the same.
You gotta nourish to flourish. Eating a heart-healthy diet is a form of self-care. It's good for #OurHearts and one of the ways proven to lower heart disease risk.
You can't pour from an empty cup. Prioritizing #OurHearts is an important part of self-care. Every day take a little time to move more, sleep well, reduce stress, and eat healthy.
Invest in you. When we take care of #OurHearts as part of our self-care, we reduce our risk of heart disease.
Your health is your wealth. Investing in your health can prevent disease. What we do to protect #OurHearts can help inspire others.
Every day is a fresh start. It's never too late or too early to invest in your heart health. When we take care of #OurHearts we reduce our risk of heart disease.
Make yourself a priority. Putting #OurHearts at the top of our self-care list reduces our risk of heart disease and can help inspire others to the same.
Calm Mind, Strong Heart. #OurHearts are healthier when we take time to relax in healthy ways. Breathe deeply. exhale slowly, and visualize something lovely, like a favorite walking trail, plant, or picture.
Just breathe. Take time to inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Deep breathing can reduce stress, which helps keep #OurHearts healthy.
Embrace the journey. The small steps we take for #OurHearts to reduce stress, move more, and eat healthy lead to a healthier heart down the road.
Let yourself dream. A good night's rest is vital for #OurHearts. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep. Practice healthy sleep habits, like going to bed and waking up at the same time each day.
Self-care isn't vanity, it's sanity. Find a few minutes each day to laugh, breathe deeply. stretch, walk briskly, or dance. Relieving stress is part of self-care and helps keep #OurHearts healthy.