Molecular Physiology

Dr. Sellers has focused on studying myosin diversity as a means of understanding meaningful molecular differences that give rise to disparate functions. His interdisciplinary laboratory brings together a breadth of experience in fields such as developmental biology, biochemistry, cell biology, biophysics, and engineering and encompasses studies of systems ranging from single molecules to fruit fly models (Drosophila melanogaster).

James Sellers

Meet the Team

James Sellers

James Sellers, Ph.D.

Senior Investigator

James Sellers graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1974 with a B.S. in chemistry and from Brandeis University in 1980 with a Ph.D. in biology and joined the NIH in 1979, where he is currently a Senior Investigator heading the Laboratory of Molecular Physiology. In 2012, Dr. Sellers was named Dean of the NIH-Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program. Dr. Sellers was NHLBI Mentor of the Year in 2005. In 2012, Ohio State University Medical Center honored him as the Emil Bozler Distinguished Lecturer. He has authored or coauthored more than 175 papers and currently serves on the editorial boards of Bioarchitecture, Biophysical Journal, Journal of Biological Chemistry, and Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility. He is a member of the Biophysical Society, American Society for Cell Biology, and American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

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