The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute convened a Working Group of scientific experts on June 2, 2004, to identify the research directions needed to address the problems in the diagnosis, treatment and health management for women with bleeding disorders. Sally Crudder, RN, MPH provided an overview of the CDC program on women with bleeding disorders. The chairman, Barbara Konkle, MD, introduced the five discussion topics identified by the committee members: 1) Diagnosis of Von Willebrand Disease (VWD) & bleeding history, 2) Diagnosis of platelet function disorders and their mechanisms, 3) Menarche, pregnancy/puerperium & menopause, 4) Balance between bleeding and thrombosis, effect of medications, supplements & aging and 5) Treatment options, limitations & needs. Each topic area was discussed and research needs were identified. The last two topics were combined during the discussion and are reported together.