Smoking and being exposed to secondhand smoke can impact lung health and increase the risk of lung disease. Quitting smoking can be tough, but it's worth it! The health benefits of stopping smoking begin right away and continue over time. Help raise awareness about smoking and lung health by sharing these resources.
Federal Resources to Help People Quit
Proven treatments can help you quit smoking. Your lungs will thank you! Check out these federal resources for tools and tips.
Resources for Healthcare Providers on COPD and Smoking
COPD patients who quit smoking see a reduction in symptoms after 1–3 months of being smoke-free. These resources can help patients manage COPD and leave smoking behind.
Sample Language to Promote Quitting
It’s never too late to quit smoking. Spread the word with this sample content for emails or newsletters.
Smoking and Lung Health Video
Quitting smoking reduces the risk of lung disease, heart disease, and cancer. Share this video with others to promote the health benefits of quitting.
Social Media Resources
Find graphics and sample posts to share on social media. You may also be interested in our other social media resources on lung health, COPD, and asthma.