Director's Messages

NHLBI's Strategic Visioning Process is Underway


I am pleased to announce that the NHLBI has launched a Strategic Visioning process to gather ideas for the most compelling scientific priorities to address over the next decade. Broad participation from the heart, lung, blood, and sleep research communities – scientists and patients alike - is vital to the success of this effort.  Already, important ideas are being contributed to the Strategic Visioning Forum. I hope you will take the opportunity to add your voice to the discussion.

NHLBI’s Strategic Visioning Process is your opportunity to submit compelling questions and critical challenges that will help the NHLBI identify the most promising opportunities in heart, lung, blood, and sleep research, as well as the challenges that pose significant barriers to the progress of this research. You can also vote and comment on the ideas submitted by others. To make sure your voice is heard, please participate and in the Strategic Visioning Forum by May 15, 2015.

We have hosted webinars this Spring to discuss the Strategic Visioning process and provide details about how you can submit your ideas. These, as well as other informative videos, are available on the Strategic Visioning website.

Learn more by visiting the NHLBI Strategic Visioning website at  Comments are also welcomed in response to our Request for Information found at

If you have further questions, contact us at

We look forward to hearing from you as we collectively create a vision for the future of heart, lung, blood, and sleep research.