What Does Asthma Prevalence Look Like in Your State?

This slide deck includes asthma prevalence cards for U.S. states. Please launch the presentation in slideshow mode to activate the links. Clicking the Lung icon on a state’s graphic will return the user to the Index page. To export a graphic, select the image, right click and choose Save as Picture

Share these infocards and tag @BreatheBetter on Facebook and X. Don’t forget to use the #BreatheBetter and #AsthmaAwareness hashtags so we can like and share your content.

Graphic with U.S. map and lung icon. Text: State-based Asthma Infocards. This slide deck displays the asthma prevalence cards for U.S. states. Please launch the presentation in slideshow mode to activate the Index Page links. Clicking the Lung icon on a state graphic will return the user to the Index page. To export an infocard, select the image, right click and choose Save as Picture. Learn more at nhlbi.nih.gov/breathebetter

                                                               Find Asthma State Prevalence Rates by State.

United States Asthma Prevalence

About 25 million Americans are living with asthma.

To use this infocard, right click on the image and select “Save Image as…” or click on the download button to save it on your device.

Graphic with U.S. map and lung icon. Text: About 25 million people in the United States have asthma. With proper treatment, people with asthma can lead full and active lives.


Additional Resources

Asthma Publications for Patients and Caregivers

Printable and shareable tips for living with the disease, as well as information that you can use in discussions with your loved ones and health care provider(s).

Asthma Social Media Resources

Help raise awareness about Asthma by sharing these graphics on your social media channels and tag @BreatheBetter in your posts.