Research Priorities
The Compelling Questions (CQs) and Critical Challenges (CCs) submitted during the Visioning process were refined to yield a set of 132 Research Priorities that will guide the NHLBI for the next decade. NHLBI-solicited activities that result from the Research Priorities will advance our progress in achieving the eight Objectives and will have a profound effect on the health and well-being of people across this country and around the globe.
Investigator-initiated discovery science has been and will remain the bedrock of the NHLBI mission, and individual researchers will always be encouraged to pursue their ideas through investigator-initiated projects. However, NHLBI leadership can catalyze extramural investigations that take advantage of new scientific opportunities and close gaps in knowledge. One means by which this occurs is through Institute-solicited research initiatives supported through new Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs). The Research Priorities identify important opportunities in science that will shape the development of future FOAs and other NHLBI-solicited activities.